fibre: Fast Evolutionary Trait Modelling on Phylogenies using Branch Regression Models
Implements Phylogenetic Branch Regression models which allow for flexible and versatile models of evolution along a phylogeny. The model can be used to detect shifts in rates of evolution along branches. The model uses a continuous and linear model structure and so can be easily combined with other non-phylogenetic statistical structures, as long as they are implemented using the R package INLA. One major uses of this are to condition on phylogeny in a standard regression between two traits, thus 'accounting' for phylogenetic structure in the response variable, similar to how pgls is used but allowing for a more flexible phylogenetic model. This also allows the phylogenetic model to be combined with the spatial models that INLA excels at (and with comparable flexibility to those spatial models).
Maintainer: Russell Dinnage (ORCID)