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The following functions have been modified from code in the github repo Versions of this appear to have proliferated around github and I have no idea who originally wrote this submission system. If you happen to know, please let me know. All versions of this begin with this preamble I reproduce as well: The following function has modified from Colin Rundel's learnrhash package, available at Many thanks to Professor Rundel, who has developed a fantastic tool for courses that teach R and use the learnr package.

This note is also modified from Professor Rundel's description: Note that when including these functions in a learnr Rmd document it is necessary that the server function, submission_server(), be included in an R chunk where context="server". Conversely, any of the ui functions, *_ui(), must not be included in an R chunk with a context.


submission_server(input, output)



An object of class shiny.tag of length 3.