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Note that in the context of a phylogenetic flow, each element of the flow only has a single descendent, which is the next edge on the sequence between the root and the terminal node of the flow in question.


pf_desc(x, replace = 0)



A pfc object


Value to replace edge feature with no descendent values (such as when the edges are the tip edges).


A new pfc with the same structure as x, but with the features of each edge's descendant instead


#> <pfc<e:198>[198]>
#> First  10 phylogenetic flows: 
#> [1] ◎──1.563──→ Node2 ──0.140──→ Node3 ──0.171──→ Node4 ──0.153──→ Node5 ──0.134──→ Node9 ──0.051──→ Node24 ──0.000──→ t30 
#> [2] ◎──1.563──→ Node2 ──0.140──→ Node3 ──0.171──→ Node4 ──0.153──→ Node5 ──0.134──→ Node9 ──0.016──→ Node24 ──0.032──→ Node33 ──0.003──→ Node89 ──0.000──→ t99 
#> [3] ◎──1.6e+00──→ Node2 ──1.4e-01──→ Node3 ──1.7e-01──→ Node4 ──1.5e-01──→ Node5 ──1.3e-01──→ Node9 ──1.6e-02──→ Node24 ──3.2e-02──→ Node33 ──9.3e-05──→ Node89 ──2.9e-03──→ Node91 ──0.0e+00──→ t33 
#> [4] ◎──1.6e+00──→ Node2 ──1.4e-01──→ Node3 ──1.7e-01──→ Node4 ──1.5e-01──→ Node5 ──1.3e-01──→ Node9 ──1.6e-02──→ Node24 ──3.2e-02──→ Node33 ──9.3e-05──→ Node89 ──2.9e-03──→ Node91 ──0.0e+00──→ t10 
#> [5] ◎──1.563──→ Node2 ──0.140──→ Node3 ──0.171──→ Node4 ──0.153──→ Node5 ──0.134──→ Node9 ──0.016──→ Node24 ──0.015──→ Node33 ──0.020──→ Node49 ──0.000──→ t69 
#> [6] ◎──1.563──→ Node2 ──0.140──→ Node3 ──0.171──→ Node4 ──0.153──→ Node5 ──0.134──→ Node9 ──0.016──→ Node24 ──0.015──→ Node33 ──0.020──→ Node49 ──0.000──→ t24 
#> [7] ◎──1.5630──→ Node2 ──0.1399──→ Node3 ──0.1709──→ Node4 ──0.1531──→ Node5 ──0.1689──→ Node9 ──0.0038──→ Node54 ──0.0124──→ Node60 ──0.0000──→ t8 
#> [8] ◎──1.5630──→ Node2 ──0.1399──→ Node3 ──0.1709──→ Node4 ──0.1531──→ Node5 ──0.1689──→ Node9 ──0.0038──→ Node54 ──0.0060──→ Node60 ──0.0064──→ Node73 ──0.0000──→ t93 
#> [9] ◎──1.5630──→ Node2 ──0.1399──→ Node3 ──0.1709──→ Node4 ──0.1531──→ Node5 ──0.1689──→ Node9 ──0.0038──→ Node54 ──0.0060──→ Node60 ──0.0064──→ Node73 ──0.0000──→ t96 
#> [10] ◎──1.563──→ Node2 ──0.140──→ Node3 ──0.171──→ Node4 ──0.153──→ Node5 ──0.169──→ Node9 ──0.016──→ Node54 ──0.000──→ t81