This article goes over a few examples of using the trampoline package to do recursive tree traversals (without fear of hitting the limits of R’s call stack).

Example 1: Phylogenetic Tree Clade Collapse

#> Warning: package 'imager' was built under R version 4.0.5
#> Loading required package: magrittr
#> Warning: package 'magrittr' was built under R version 4.0.3
#> Attaching package: 'imager'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:magrittr':
#>     add
#> The following object is masked from 'package:ape':
#>     where
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     convolve, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
#>     frame
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     save.image
#> Attaching package: 'purrr'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:magrittr':
#>     set_names

Example 2: Quadtree refinement for images

This example is partly based on this post, which also uses imager to make a quad-tree. Note that R has several functions in different packages for making quad-trees already, so this is just for demonstration purposes. See for example the package {quadtree}, which makes quad-trees from spatial rasters.

A quad-tree is a data structure that is often used to approximate two-dimensional grid-like data.

An image of Charles Darwin from 1880

im <- imager::load.image("figures/Charles_Darwin_1880.jpg")

quadtree <- function(img, sd_thresh = 0.05, type = c("none", "borders", "ellipses"), bg = "black") {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  ## calculate the sd of each colour channel and average them
  imsd <- imsplit(img, "c") %>%
    map_dbl(sd) %>%
  ## decide whether to split into quads
  if(imsd < sd_thresh || any(dim(img)[1:2] <= 4)) { ## no split, return image with pixels averaged
    ## use circles
    av_img <- imsplit(img, "c") %>% 
        map(~ 0 * .x + mean(.x)) %>% 
    ## add borders
    if(type == "borders") {
      av_img <- colorise(av_img, px.borders(av_img), bg)
    if(type == "ellipses") {
      a <- width(av_img) / 2
      b <- height(av_img) / 2
      ellipse <- ((Xc(av_img) - a)^2 / a^2) + ((Yc(av_img) - b)^2 / b^2) > 1
      av_img <- colorise(av_img, ellipse, bg)
  } else { ## split image and run quadtree on each split 
    img_split <- imsplit(img, "x", 2) %>%
      map(~ imsplit(.x, "y", 2)) %>%
    quad1 <- quadtree(img_split[[1]], sd_thresh = sd_thresh, type = type, bg = bg)
    quad2 <- quadtree(img_split[[2]], sd_thresh = sd_thresh, type = type, bg = bg)
    quad3 <- quadtree(img_split[[3]], sd_thresh = sd_thresh, type = type, bg = bg)
    quad4 <- quadtree(img_split[[4]], sd_thresh = sd_thresh, type = type, bg = bg)
    ## recombine quads and return them
    img_new <- list(list(quad1, quad2),
                    list(quad3, quad4)) %>%
      map(~ imappend(.x, "y")) %>%

Now to test that out!

quad_darwin <- quadtree(im, sd_thresh = 0.1, type = "ellipses")

trm_quadtree <- function(img, sd_thresh = 0.05, type = "none", bg = "black") {
  ## removed the match.arg() for type as this doesn't seem to work in a generator?
  ## calculate the sd of each colour channel and average them
  imsd <- imsplit(img, "c") %>%
    map_dbl(sd) %>%
  ## decide whether to split into quads
  if(imsd < sd_thresh || any(dim(img)[1:2] <= 4)) { ## no split, return image with pixels averaged
    ## use circles
    av_img <- imsplit(img, "c") %>% 
        map(~ 0 * .x + mean(.x)) %>% 
    ## add borders
    if(type == "borders") {
      av_img <- colorise(av_img, px.borders(av_img), bg)
    if(type == "ellipses") {
      a <- width(av_img) / 2
      b <- height(av_img) / 2
      ellipse <- ((Xc(av_img) - a)^2 / a^2) + ((Yc(av_img) - b)^2 / b^2) > 1
      av_img <- colorise(av_img, ellipse, bg)
    ## just add trm_return()
  } else { ## split image and run quadtree on each split 
    img_split <- imsplit(img, "x", 2) %>%
      map(~ imsplit(.x, "y", 2)) %>%
    ## just add yield()
    quad1 <- yield(trm_quadtree(img_split[[1]], sd_thresh = sd_thresh, type = type, bg = bg))
    quad2 <- yield(trm_quadtree(img_split[[2]], sd_thresh = sd_thresh, type = type, bg = bg))
    quad3 <- yield(trm_quadtree(img_split[[3]], sd_thresh = sd_thresh, type = type, bg = bg))
    quad4 <- yield(trm_quadtree(img_split[[4]], sd_thresh = sd_thresh, type = type, bg = bg))
    ## recombine quads and return them
    img_new <- list(list(quad1, quad2),
                    list(quad3, quad4)) %>%
      map(~ imappend(.x, "y")) %>%
    ## just add trm_return()

trm_quad_darwin <- trampoline(trm_quadtree(im, sd_thresh = 0.1, type = "ellipses"))