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Features of the returned pfc will be the output of the function applied to the original features. Therefore the functionm provided must return a vector the same length of the input.


pf_edge_apply(x, fun, ...)



A pfc object


A function to apply to the edge vectors, which will be passed as the first argument. Must return a vector the same length and type as the input.


Any additional arguments to pass to fun


A pfc object with the same structure as x but with features replaced with the output of fun


## average features of descendents of each edge as a pfc:
pf_edge_apply(pf_desc(pf_indexes(rpfc(100))), function(x) rep(mean(x), length(x)))
#> <pfc<e:198>[198]>
#> First  10 phylogenetic flows: 
#> [1] ◎──  3.4──→ Node4 ──  5.7──→ Node6 ──  7.0──→ Node27 
#> [2] ◎──  3.4──→ Node4 ──  5.7──→ Node6 ──  7.0──→ Node27 ──  9.3──→ Node30 ── 11.9──→ Node44 ── 13.2──→ Node82 
#> [3] ◎──  3.4──→ Node4 ──  5.7──→ Node6 ──  7.0──→ Node27 ──  9.3──→ Node30 ── 11.9──→ Node44 ── 13.2──→ Node82 ── 15.8──→ Node84 ── 17.5──→ Node89 
#> [4] ◎──  3.4──→ Node4 ──  5.7──→ Node6 ──  7.0──→ Node27 ──  9.3──→ Node30 ── 11.9──→ Node44 ── 13.2──→ Node82 ── 15.8──→ Node84 ── 17.5──→ Node89 
#> [5] ◎──  3.4──→ Node4 ──  5.7──→ Node6 ──  7.0──→ Node27 ──  9.3──→ Node30 ── 11.9──→ Node44 ── 13.2──→ Node82 ── 15.8──→ Node84 
#> [6] ◎──  3.4──→ Node4 ──  5.7──→ Node6 ──  7.0──→ Node27 ──  9.3──→ Node30 ── 11.9──→ Node44 
#> [7] ◎──  3.4──→ Node4 ──  5.7──→ Node6 ──  7.0──→ Node27 ──  9.3──→ Node30 ── 19.4──→ Node40 ── 21.4──→ Node55 ── 23.5──→ Node75 
#> [8] ◎──  3.4──→ Node4 ──  5.7──→ Node6 ──  7.0──→ Node27 ──  9.3──→ Node30 ── 19.4──→ Node40 ── 21.4──→ Node55 ── 23.5──→ Node75 
#> [9] ◎──  3.4──→ Node4 ──  5.7──→ Node6 ──  7.0──→ Node27 ──  9.3──→ Node30 ── 19.4──→ Node40 ── 21.4──→ Node55 ── 25.2──→ Node74 
#> [10] ◎──  3.4──→ Node4 ──  5.7──→ Node6 ──  7.0──→ Node27 ──  9.3──→ Node30 ── 19.4──→ Node40 ── 21.4──→ Node55 ── 25.2──→ Node74 ── 27.5──→ Node97