Documentation for GenomicElement class from SLiM


This class represents a genomic element of a particular genomic element type, with a start and end; the chromosome is composed of a series of such genomic elements. Section 1.5.4 presents an overview of the conceptual role of this class. This class has the following methods (functions):

This class has the following properties:


A property of type integer. It is of length one (a singleton). This property is a constant, so it is not modifiable. Property Description: The last position in the chromosome contained by this genomic element.


A property of type GenomicElementType object. It is of length one (a singleton). This property is a constant, so it is not modifiable. Property Description: The GenomicElementType object that defines the behavior of this genomic element.


A property of type integer. It is of length one (a singleton). This property is a constant, so it is not modifiable. Property Description: The first position in the chromosome contained by this genomic element.


A property of type integer. It is of length one (a singleton). This property is a variable, so it is modifiable. Property Description: A user-defined integer value. The value of tag is initially undefined, and it is an error to try to read it; if you wish it to have a defined value, you must arrange that yourself by explicitly setting its value prior to using it elsewhere in your code. The value of tag is not used by SLiM; it is free for you to use.

See also

Other GenomicElement: setGenomicElementType()