• Updated slimr to be fully compatible with SLiM v4.1 updates
  • Changed SLIM_HOME environmental variable to SLIMR_PATH, which now should be set with the full path to the SLiM executable, not just the directory containing it
  • Updated slim_setup() function which now provides cross-platform automatic installation using conda via the reticulate package. Now it should not be necessary for users to manually install SLiM any more
  • Added slim_auto() function to automatically insert r_template() and r_inline() statement in useful places in a slimr_script, based on computational graph analysis
  • Added as_slimr_code() function, which is similar to as_slimr_script(), which converts SLiM code as a character vector into a slimr_script object, but as_slimr_code() returns the code necessary to create the slimr_script instead. this allows copy and pasting the text into the R console or IDE so that it can be subsequently edited and modified.
  • Added vignette showing how to create a multispecies model in slimr, and documented the multispecies feature in the documentation for slim_block()
  • allow user to manually set SLiM executable directory with SLIM_HOME environmental variable
  • all SLiM callbacks now supported
  • slimr now fully supports SLiM versions 4.0 and greater, including support for multispecies models (though these have been extensively tested yet) and are currently undocumented
  • slimr verbs are now prefixed with r_ (e.g. r_output, r_inline, r_template). The old version slimr_ prefixed version are still available for backwards compatibility, but should be considered soft-deprecated
  • SLiM Classes available for help with autocomplete now have nested class objects (e.g. sim$subpopulations references a Subpopulation object, so you can then autocomplete sim$subpopulations$individuals, for example)
  • $ accessor can now be used in place of SLiM’s . operator. (previously user’s always had to use %.% to represent .)
  • slimr now replaces any <- assignment operators in SLiM code with =.
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.