Install and setup SLiM software for use with slimr |
Attempt to install and / or setup SLiM for use with slimr |
slimr verbsFunctions that can be inserted in slimr code blocks for metaprogramming. |
Main slimr verbsThe three main functions that can be called inside |
Tell SLiM to produce easily parseable output |
Insert R objects into SLiM scripts |
Create a templated variable |
r_output_ special variants |
Utility function to tell SLiM to output coordinates from spatial simulations |
Utility function to tell SLiM to output its outputFull() output |
Utility function to tell SLiM to output Nucleotides |
Utility function to tell SLim to output sexes of individuals |
Utility function to tell SLiM to output SNP format data |
r_template_ special variants |
Like slimr_template but automatically inserts code to setup variable as a defineConstant() call in the SLiM initialization block. |
slimr_block_ verbsThese function generate full code blocks and can be used inside |
Generate a code block that just adds subpopulations to a SLiM simulation |
Generate simulationFinished Block |
Generate minimal initialize() block |
Insert slim_block to track progress when using slim_run |
Creating slimr_script objectsThese functions help you create and manipulate |
Create a SLiMR script |
Setup a SLiM code block |
Specify an Eidos function to be included in the SLiM script |
Render a SLiM script with special slimrlang formatting |
Load SLiM Globals into R Global environment |
Unload SLiM Globals from R Global environment |
Run a slimr_script object and return results to R |
Run a SLiM script from R |
Extract Output from slimr_results Objects |
Extract Elements from SLiM's outputFull() |
Extract data into a genlight object |
Extract Elements from SLiM's output() for genomes |
Extract data produced by SLiM |
Work with SLiM recipes from SLiM manual |
Get a SLiM recipe |
Get a list of SLiM recipes (as text) |
Operators |
slimrlang stub for the SLiM '.' operator |
slimrlang stub for the first part of the SLiM ternary operator ( |
slimrlang stub for the second part of the SLiM ternary operator ( |
SLiM CallbacksFunction stubs for SLiM callback Functions |
SLiM Callbacks |
SLiM initialize() callback |
SLiM late() callback |
SLiM early() callback |
SLiM fitness() callback |
SLiM fitnessEffect() callback |
SLiM mateChoice() callback |
SLiM modifyChild() callback |
SLiM mutation() callback |
SLiM mutationEffect() callback |
SLiM recombination() callback |
SLiM interaction() callback |
SLiM reproduction() callback |
SLiM survival() callback |
SLiM Class ObjectsObjects representing the different classes used in SLiM. These can be used to look up and autocomplete what methods or properties are available for a class |
Chromosome |
Eidos |
Genome |
GenomicElement |
GenomicElementType |
Individual |
Initialize |
InteractionType |
LogFile |
Mutation |
MutationType |
SLiMBuiltin |
SLiMEidosBlock |
SLiMgui |
SpatialMap |
SLiMSim was a class used prior to v4.0 in SLiM. It remains in `slimr` for backwards compatibility but its use is now deprecated. |
Subpopulation |
Substitution |
SLiM Classes |
SLiM Class MethodsSLiM methods by SLiM class. Note that if a function appears multiple times within a class, that is because a method with the same name exists in other classes. Each links to the same documentation which combines documentation for all classes in one place. This is a bug created by limitation in the R documentation system, but shouldn’t cause the user any issues. |
Chromosome |
SLiM method ancestralNucleotides |
Chromosome |
SLiM method drawBreakpoints |
SLiM method setAncestralNucleotides |
SLiM method setGeneConversion |
SLiM method setHotspotMap |
SLiM method setMutationRate |
SLiM method setRecombinationRate |
Community |
Community |
SLiM method createLogFile |
SLiM method deregisterScriptBlock |
SLiM method genomicElementTypesWithIDs |
SLiM method interactionTypesWithIDs |
SLiM method mutationTypesWithIDs |
SLiM method outputUsage |
SLiM method registerEarlyEvent |
SLiM method registerFirstEvent |
SLiM method registerInteractionCallback |
SLiM method registerLateEvent |
SLiM method rescheduleScriptBlock |
SLiM method scriptBlocksWithIDs |
SLiM method simulationFinished |
SLiM method speciesWithIDs |
SLiM method subpopulationsWithIDs |
SLiM method usage |
Eidos |
Eidos method abs |
Eidos method acos |
Eidos method all |
Eidos method any |
Eidos method apply |
Eidos method array |
Eidos method asFloat |
Eidos method asin |
Eidos method asInteger |
Eidos method asLogical |
Eidos method assert |
Eidos method asString |
Eidos method atan |
Eidos method atan2 |
Eidos method beep |
Eidos method c |
Eidos method cat |
Eidos method catn |
Eidos method cbind |
Eidos method ceil |
Eidos method citation |
Eidos |
Eidos method clock |
Eidos method cmColors |
Eidos method color2rgb |
Eidos method colors |
Eidos method cor |
Eidos method cos |
Eidos method cov |
Eidos method createDirectory |
Eidos method cumProduct |
Eidos method cumSum |
Eidos method date |
Eidos method dbeta |
Eidos method debugIndent |
Eidos method defineConstant |
Eidos method defineGlobal |
Eidos method deleteFile |
Eidos method dexp |
Eidos method dgamma |
Eidos method diag |
Eidos method dim |
Eidos method dmvnorm |
Eidos method dnorm |
Eidos method drop |
Eidos method elementType |
Eidos method exists |
Eidos method exp |
Eidos method fileExists |
Eidos method filesAtPath |
Eidos method findInterval |
Eidos method float |
Eidos method floor |
Eidos method flushFile |
Eidos method format |
Eidos method functionSignature |
Eidos method functionSource |
Eidos method getSeed |
Eidos method getwd |
Eidos method heatColors |
Eidos method hsv2rgb |
Eidos method identical |
Eidos method ifelse |
Eidos method integer |
Eidos method integerDiv |
Eidos method integerMod |
Eidos method isFinite |
Eidos method isFloat |
Eidos method isInfinite |
Eidos method isInteger |
Eidos method isLogical |
Eidos method isNAN |
Eidos method isNULL |
Eidos method isObject |
Eidos method isString |
Eidos method length |
Eidos method license |
Eidos method log |
Eidos method log10 |
Eidos method log2 |
Eidos method logical |
Eidos method lowerTri |
Eidos method ls |
Eidos method match |
Eidos method matrix |
Eidos method matrixMult |
Eidos method max |
Eidos method mean |
Eidos method min |
Eidos method nchar |
Eidos method ncol |
Eidos method nrow |
Eidos method object |
Eidos method order |
Eidos method paste |
Eidos method paste0 |
Eidos method pmax |
Eidos method pmin |
Eidos method pnorm |
Eidos method print |
Eidos method product |
Eidos method qnorm |
Eidos method quantile |
Eidos method rainbow |
Eidos method range |
Eidos method rank |
Eidos method rbeta |
Eidos method rbind |
Eidos method rbinom |
Eidos method rcauchy |
Eidos method rdunif |
Eidos method readCSV |
Eidos method readFile |
Eidos method rep |
Eidos method repEach |
Eidos method rev |
Eidos method rexp |
Eidos method rf |
Eidos method rgamma |
Eidos method rgb2color |
Eidos method rgb2hsv |
Eidos method rgeom |
Eidos method rlnorm |
Eidos method rm |
Eidos method rmvnorm |
Eidos method rnbinom |
Eidos method rnorm |
Eidos method round |
Eidos method rpois |
Eidos method runif |
Eidos method rweibull |
Eidos method sample |
Eidos method sapply |
Eidos method sd |
Eidos method seq |
Eidos method seqAlong |
Eidos method seqLen |
Eidos method setDifference |
Eidos method setIntersection |
Eidos method setSeed |
Eidos method setSymmetricDifference |
Eidos method setUnion |
Eidos method setwd |
Eidos method sin |
Eidos method size |
Eidos method sort |
Eidos method sortBy |
Eidos method source |
Eidos method sqrt |
Eidos method stop |
Eidos method str |
Eidos method strcontains |
Eidos method strfind |
Eidos method string |
Eidos method strprefix |
Eidos method strsplit |
Eidos method strsuffix |
Eidos method substr |
Eidos method sum |
Eidos method sumExact |
Eidos method suppressWarnings |
Eidos method sysinfo |
Eidos method system |
Eidos method t |
Eidos method tabulate |
Eidos method tan |
Eidos method tempdir |
Eidos method terrainColors |
Eidos method time |
Eidos method trunc |
Eidos method ttest |
Eidos method type |
Eidos method unique |
Eidos method upperTri |
Eidos method usage |
Eidos method var |
Eidos method version |
Eidos method which |
Eidos method whichMax |
Eidos method whichMin |
Eidos method writeFile |
Eidos method writeTempFile |
Genome |
SLiM method addMutations |
SLiM method addNewDrawnMutation |
SLiM method addNewMutation |
SLiM method containsMarkerMutation |
SLiM method containsMutations |
SLiM method countOfMutationsOfType |
Genome |
SLiM method mutationCountsInGenomes |
SLiM method mutationFrequenciesInGenomes |
SLiM method mutationsOfType |
SLiM method nucleotides |
SLiM method output |
SLiM method outputMS |
SLiM method outputVCF |
SLiM method positionsOfMutationsOfType |
SLiM method readFromMS |
SLiM method readFromVCF |
SLiM method removeMutations |
SLiM method sumOfMutationsOfType |
GenomicElement |
GenomicElement |
SLiM method setGenomicElementType |
GenomicElementType |
GenomicElementType |
SLiM method setMutationFractions |
SLiM method setMutationMatrix |
Individual |
SLiM method containsMutations |
SLiM method countOfMutationsOfType |
Individual |
SLiM method relatedness |
SLiM method setSpatialPosition |
SLiM method sharedParentCount |
SLiM method sumOfMutationsOfType |
SLiM method uniqueMutationsOfType |
Initialize |
SLiM method initializeAncestralNucleotides |
SLiM method initializeGeneConversion |
SLiM method initializeGenomicElement |
SLiM method initializeGenomicElementType |
SLiM method initializeHotspotMap |
SLiM method initializeInteractionType |
SLiM method initializeMutationRate |
SLiM method initializeMutationType |
SLiM method initializeMutationTypeNuc |
SLiM method initializeRecombinationRate |
SLiM method initializeSex |
SLiM method initializeSLiMModelType |
SLiM method initializeSLiMOptions |
SLiM method initializeSpecies |
SLiM method initializeTreeSeq |
Initialize |
InteractionType |
SLiM method clippedIntegral |
SLiM method distance |
SLiM method distanceFromPoint |
SLiM method drawByStrength |
SLiM method evaluate |
SLiM method interactingNeighborCount |
SLiM method interactionDistance |
InteractionType |
SLiM method localPopulationDensity |
SLiM method nearestInteractingNeighbors |
SLiM method nearestNeighbors |
SLiM method nearestNeighborsOfPoint |
SLiM method neighborCount |
SLiM method neighborCountOfPoint |
SLiM method setConstraints |
SLiM method setInteractionFunction |
SLiM method strength |
SLiM method testConstraints |
SLiM method totalOfNeighborStrengths |
SLiM method unevaluate |
LogFile |
SLiM method addCustomColumn |
SLiM method addCycle |
SLiM method addCycleStage |
SLiM method addKeysAndValuesFrom |
SLiM method addMeanSDColumns |
SLiM method addPopulationSexRatio |
SLiM method addPopulationSize |
SLiM method addSubpopulationSexRatio |
SLiM method addSubpopulationSize |
SLiM method addSuppliedColumn |
SLiM method addTick |
SLiM method clearKeysAndValues |
SLiM method flush |
LogFile |
SLiM method logRow |
SLiM method setFilePath |
SLiM method setLogInterval |
SLiM method setSuppliedValue |
SLiM method setValue |
SLiM method willAutolog |
Mutation |
Mutation |
SLiM method setMutationType |
SLiM method setSelectionCoeff |
MutationType |
SLiM method drawSelectionCoefficient |
MutationType |
SLiM method setDistribution |
SLiMBuiltin |
SLiM method calcFST |
SLiM method calcHeterozygosity |
SLiM method calcInbreedingLoad |
SLiM method calcPairHeterozygosity |
SLiM method calcVA |
SLiM method calcWattersonsTheta |
SLiM method codonsToAminoAcids |
SLiM method mm16To256 |
SLiM method mmJukesCantor |
SLiM method mmKimura |
SLiM method nucleotideCounts |
SLiM method nucleotideFrequencies |
SLiM method nucleotidesToCodons |
SLiMBuiltin |
SLiM method summarizeIndividuals |
SLiM method treeSeqMetadata |
SLiMEidosBlock |
SLiMEidosBlock |
SLiMSim |
SLiMgui |
SLiM method openDocument |
SLiM method pauseExecution |
SLiMgui |
SpatialMap |
SLiM method add |
SLiM method blend |
SLiM method changeColors |
SLiM method changeValues |
SLiM method divide |
SLiM method exp |
SLiM method gridValues |
SLiM method interpolate |
SLiM method mapColor |
SLiM method mapImage |
SLiM method mapValue |
SLiM method multiply |
SLiM method power |
SLiM method range |
SLiM method rescale |
SLiM method sampleImprovedNearbyPoint |
SLiM method sampleNearbyPoint |
SLiM method smooth |
SpatialMap |
SLiM method subtract |
Species |
SLiM method addSubpop |
SLiM method addSubpopSplit |
SLiM method countOfMutationsOfType |
SLiM method individualsWithPedigreeIDs |
SLiM method killIndividuals |
SLiM method mutationCounts |
SLiM method mutationFrequencies |
SLiM method mutationsOfType |
SLiM method outputFixedMutations |
SLiM method outputFull |
SLiM method outputMutations |
SLiM method readFromPopulationFile |
SLiM method recalculateFitness |
SLiM method registerFitnessEffectCallback |
SLiM method registerMateChoiceCallback |
SLiM method registerModifyChildCallback |
SLiM method registerMutationCallback |
SLiM method registerMutationEffectCallback |
SLiM method registerRecombinationCallback |
SLiM method registerReproductionCallback |
SLiM method registerSurvivalCallback |
SLiM method simulationFinished |
SLiM method skipTick |
Species |
SLiM method subsetMutations |
SLiM method treeSeqCoalesced |
SLiM method treeSeqOutput |
SLiM method treeSeqRememberIndividuals |
SLiM method treeSeqSimplify |
Subpopulation |
SLiM method addCloned |
SLiM method addCrossed |
SLiM method addEmpty |
SLiM method addRecombinant |
SLiM method addSelfed |
SLiM method addSpatialMap |
SLiM method cachedFitness |
SLiM method configureDisplay |
SLiM method defineSpatialMap |
SLiM method outputMSSample |
SLiM method outputSample |
SLiM method outputVCFSample |
SLiM method pointDeviated |
SLiM method pointInBounds |
SLiM method pointPeriodic |
SLiM method pointReflected |
SLiM method pointStopped |
SLiM method pointUniform |
SLiM method removeSpatialMap |
SLiM method removeSubpopulation |
SLiM method sampleIndividuals |
SLiM method setCloningRate |
SLiM method setMigrationRates |
SLiM method setSelfingRate |
SLiM method setSexRatio |
SLiM method setSpatialBounds |
SLiM method setSubpopulationSize |
SLiM method spatialMapColor |
SLiM method spatialMapImage |
SLiM method spatialMapValue |
Subpopulation |
SLiM method subsetIndividuals |
SLiM method takeMigrants |
Substitution |
Substitution |
Convert between R-like and SLiM-like code |
Rify some SLiM code |
Rify some SLiM code |
Convert a character vector into a slim_script object |
Convert SLiM code text into equivalent `slimr` code to produce the same model |
Convert a slimr_script to a length 1 character vector |
Convert a slimr_script to a length 1 character vector |
Datasets |
Dataset of all recipes available in SLiM |
Download and load herm.rdata file containing SNP data from Sandy Inland Mouse Details can be found in the article at |
Uncategorized |
Extract or set code from a |
Extract or set end generation |
SLiM first() callback |
Extract a single code block from a |
Get the call information for running SLiM. Doubles as a check for SLiM availability. |
Generate a minimal SLiM simulation script |
Generate a minimal slimr_script object |
Make a new |
Reconstruct slimrlang code to make this slimr_script |
Reconstruct slimrlang code to make this slimr_script |
Copy original slimrlang code used to create a slimr_script object to the clipboard |
Create a |
Convert a string to a SLiM object name |
Open original slimrlang code used to create a slimr_script object in a new document |
Make a new |
Get information on templating in a slimr_script |
Write a slimr_script object to a text file |
Make sure a file name is compatible with using in a SLiM script. |
Find the SLiM executable path `slimr` is using |
Check if SLiM is installed and |
Create a file to initialise a population in SLiM |
Title |
Convert output data from a slimr_results object to a tibble |
Set the duration of a slimr_script |