This function tries to automate the process of converting output in the slimr_results object returned by slim_run function into usable data in the form of a tibble. If this process fails you will end up with the data as a character string, and you will have to manually convert this into something you can use.

slim_results_to_data(dat, generations = NULL)



A slimr_results object to extract data from. You can alternatively specify the output_data from the slimr_results directly in this parameter.


For what generations do you want to extract data? Default is all generations that have data. The special value 0 can be used to specify just the most recent generation in the data.


A tibble with three columns, name: the name of the outputs, generation: the generations of the outputs, and data: the outputs as converted data. This final column will be a list column, where each element will usually be a vector or a tibble, depending on what kind of data was returned by the simulation.


if(slim_is_avail()) {
  test_sim <- slim_script(
    slim_block_add_subpops(1, 100),
    slim_block(1, 20, late(), {
      r_output(sim.outputFull(), "out", do_every = 10)
  ) %>%
#> Simulation finished with exit status: 0
#> Success!
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#>   type        expression       generation name  data          
#>   <chr>       <chr>                 <int> <chr> <list>        
#> 1 slim_output sim.outputFull()         10 out   <slmr_tF_ [3]>
#> 2 slim_output sim.outputFull()         20 out   <slmr_tF_ [3]>