Documentation for SLiM function summarizeIndividuals, which is a method of the SLiM class SLiMBuiltin. Note that the R function is a stub, it does not do anything in R (except bring up this documentation). It will only do anything useful when used inside a slim_block function further nested in a slim_script function call, where it will be translated into valid SLiM code as part of a full SLiM script.




An object of type Individual object. See details for description.


An object of type integer. See details for description.


An object of type numeric. See details for description.


An object of type string. Must be of length 1 (a singleton). See details for description.


An object of type null or logical or integer or float. Must be of length 1 (a singleton). The default value is 0.0. See details for description.


An object of type logical. Must be of length 1 (a singleton). The default value is F. See details for description.


An object of type null or string. Must be of length 1 (a singleton). The default value is NULL. See details for description.


An object of type float.


Documentation for this function can be found in the official SLiM manual: page 753.

Returns a vector, matrix, or array that summarizes spatial patterns of information related to the individuals in individuals. In essence, those individuals are assigned into bins according to their spatial position, and then a summary value for each bin is calculated based upon the individuals each bin contains. The individuals might be binned in one dimension (resulting in a vector of summary values), in two dimensions (resulting in a matrix), or in three dimensions (resulting in an array). Typically the spatiality of the result (the dimensions into which the individuals are binned) will match the dimensionality of the model, as indicated by the default value of NULL for the optional spatiality parameter; for example, a two-dimensional ("xy") model would by default produce a two-dimensional matrix as a summary. However, a spatiality that is more restrictive than the model dimensionality may be passed; for example, in a two-dimensional ("xy") model a spatiality of "y" could be passed to summarize individuals into a vector, rather than a matrix, assigning them to bins based only upon their y position (i.e., the value of their y property). Whatever spatiality is chosen, the parameter dim provides the dimensions of the desired result, in the same form that the dim() function does: first the number of rows, then the number of columns, and then the number of planes, as needed (see the Eidos manual for discussion of matrices, arrays, and dim()). The length of dims must match the requested spatiality; for spatiality "xy", for example, dims might be c(50,100) to request that the returned matrix have 50 rows and 100 columns. The result vector/matrix/array is in the correct orientation to be directly usable as a spatial map, by passing it to the defineSpatialMap() method of Subpopulation. For further discussion of dimensionality and spatiality, see section 25.1 on initializeInteractionType(), and section 25.8 on InteractionType. The spatialBounds parameter defines the spatial boundaries within which the individuals are binned. Typically this is the spatial bounds of a particular subpopulation, within which the individuals reside; for individuals in p1, for example, you would likely pass p1.spatialBounds for this. However, this is not required; individuals may come from any or all subpopulations in the model, and spatialBounds may be any bounds of non-zero area (if an individual falls outside of the given spatial bounds, it is excluded, as if it were not in individuals at all). If you have multiple subpopulations that conceptually reside within the same overall coordinate space, for example, that can be accommodated here. The bounds are supplied in the dimensionality of the model, in the same form as for Subpopulation; for an "xy" model, for example, they are supplied as a four-element vector of the form c(x0, y0, x1, y1) even if the summary is being produced with spatiality "y". To produce the result, a grid with dimensions defined by dims is conceptually stretched out across the given spatial bounds, such that the centers of the edge and corner grid squares are aligned with the limits of the spatial bounds. This matches the way that defineSpatialMap() defines its maps; see section 16.11 for illustration. The particular summary produced depends upon the parameters operation and empty. Consider a single grid square represented by a single element in the result. That grid square contains zero or more of the individuals in individuals. If it contains zero individuals and empty is not NULL, the empty value is used for the result, regardless of operation, providing specific, separate control over the treatment of empty grid squares. If empty is NULL, this separate control over the treatment of empty grid squares is declined; empty grid squares will be handled through the standard mechanism described next. In all other cases for the given grid square - when it contains more than zero individuals, or when empty is NULL - operation is executed as an Eidos lambda, a small snippet of code, supplied as a singleton string, that is executed in a manner similar to a function call. Within the execution of the operation lambda, a constant named individuals is defined to be the focal individuals being evaluated - all of the individuals within that grid square. This lambda should evaluate to a singleton logical, integer, or float value, comprising the result value for the grid square; these types will all be coerced to float (T being 1 and F being 0). Two examples may illustrate the use of empty and operation. To produce a summary indicating presence/absence, simply use the default of 0.0 for empty, and "1.0; " (or "1;", or "T;") for operation. This will produce 0.0 for empty grid squares, and 1.0 for those that contain at least one individual. Note that the use of empty is essential here, because operation doesn't even check whether individuals are present or not. To produce a summary with a count of the number of individuals in each grid square, again use the default of 0.0 for empty, but now use an operation of "individuals.size();", counting the number of individuals in each grid square. In this case, empty could be NULL instead and operation would still produce the correct result; but using empty makes summarizeIndividuals() more efficient since it allows the execution of operation to be skipped for those squares. Lambdas are not limited in their complexity; they can use if, for, etc., and can call methods and functions. A typical operation to compute the mean phenotype in a quantitative genetic model that stores phenotype values in tagF, for example, would be "mean(individuals.tagF);", and this is still quite simple compared to what is possible. However, keep in mind that the lambda will be evaluated for every grid cell (or at least those that are non-empty), so efficiency can be a concern, and you may wish to pre-calculate values shared by all of the lambda calls, making them available to your lambda code using defineGlobal() or defineConstant(). There is one last twist, if perUnitArea is T: values are divided by the area (or length, in 1D, or volume, in 3D) that their corresponding grid cell comprises, so that each value is in units of "per unit area" (or "per unit length", or "per unit volume"). The total area of the grid is defined by the spatial bounds, and the area of a given grid cell is defined by the portion of the spatial bounds that is within that cell. This is not the same for all grid cells; grid cells that fall partially outside spatialBounds (because, remember, the centers of the edge/corner grid cells are aligned with the limits of spatialBounds) will have a smaller area inside the bounds. For an "xy" spatiality summary, for example, corner cells have only a quarter of their area inside spatialBounds, while edge elements have half of their area inside spatialBounds; for purposes of perUnitArea, then, their respective areas are ¼ and ½ the area of an interior grid cell. By default, perUnitArea is F, and no scaling is performed. Whether you want perUnitArea to be F or T depends upon whether the summary you are producing is, conceptually, "per unit area", such as density (individuals per unit area) or local competition strength (total interaction strength per unit area), or is not, such as "mean individual age", or "maximum tag value". For the previous example of counting individuals with an operation of "individuals.size();", a value of F for perUnitArea (the default) will produce a simple count of individuals in each grid square, whereas with T it would produce the density of individuals in each grid square.


Benjamin C Haller ( and Philipp W Messer (


## This just brings up the documentation: