Documentation for SLiM function outputMutations, which is a method of the SLiM class Species. Note that the R function is a stub, it does not do anything in R (except bring up this documentation). It will only do anything useful when used inside a slim_block function further nested in a slim_script function call, where it will be translated into valid SLiM code as part of a full SLiM script.

outputMutations(mutations, filePath, append)



An object of type Mutation object. See details for description.


An object of type null or string. Must be of length 1 (a singleton). The default value is NULL. See details for description.


An object of type logical. Must be of length 1 (a singleton). The default value is F. See details for description.


An object of type void.


Documentation for this function can be found in the official SLiM manual: page 723.

Output all of the given mutations (see section 27.1.3 for output format details). This can be used to output all mutations of a given mutation type, for example. If the optional parameter filePath is NULL (the default), output will be sent to Eidos's output stream (see section 4.2.1). Otherwise, output will be sent to the filesystem path specified by filePath, overwriting that file if append if F, or appending to the end of it if append is T. In SLiM 3.3 and later, the output format includes the nucleotides associated with any nucleotide-based mutations; see section 27.1.3. Output is generally done in a late() event, so that the output reflects the state of the simulation at the end of a tick.


Benjamin C Haller ( and Philipp W Messer (